[Development] New snapshot build from Qt 4.8.6 available

Salovaara Akseli Akseli.Salovaara at digia.com
Mon Mar 10 15:55:27 CET 2014

Hi all,

New snapshot build from Qt 4.8.6 available: http://download.qt-project.org/snapshots/qt/4.8/2014-03-10_510/ 
Packages are built against sha1 0315971ee951e9abe7f288564ddf2e81aeed1fd8 "Qt 3 Support: Prevent double deletion of QObjectPrivate::threadData in QSettings" (HEAD) and this build should also address MinGW4.8.2 installer related known issues from previous snapshot.

At least few additional commits are still needed before Qt 4.8.6 Release Candidate can be issued. Unfortunately CI 4.8 Mac OS X 10.6 configuration is currently broken (investigation ongoing) causing delay for the release process. Before CI 4.8 problems are solved please take this as possibility to thoroughly test currently available build in order to find possible regression & blocker issues for Qt 4.8.6 release. If such issues are found please report those to bugreports.qt-project.org and raise issue also on releasing at qt-project.org.

Akseli Salovaara
Digia, Qt

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