[Development] XDG icon theme support

Ruslan Nigmatullin euroelessar at yandex.ru
Mon Mar 31 02:16:31 CEST 2014


30.03.2014, 16:56, "Gladhorn Frederik" <Frederik.Gladhorn at digia.com>:
> A fix for this would certainly be appreciated.
> http://qt-project.org/wiki/Gerrit-Introduction

Thanks, here are the commits:

> On Saturday 29. March 2014 14.56.16 Rex Dieter wrote:
>>  Ruslan Nigmatullin wrote:
>>>  If the changes will be done and accepted is there any hope to have them in
>>>  Qt 5.2.*
>>  It's a bug fix rather than a new feature, so yeah, I'd expect it could be
>>  included in a subsequent bugfix release (assuming there is one).
> There will be no more 5.2 releases. If you get the patch soon it might make it into 5.3.0.
>>  May be worth actually filing a bug to both highlight the the status of the
>>  bug and when the fix(es) land too.
> Yes, if you don't work on a fix yourself then you should file a bug.
>>  -- Rex
> Cheers,
> Frederik
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Ruslan Nigmatullin

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