[Development] ListView.positionViewAtIndex() seems to be unreliable during object initialization

Baldo Davide baldosoft at gmail.com
Sat May 31 23:19:44 CEST 2014


I'm having in issue with ListView.positionViewAtIndex(), i'm changing the
index with the last selection of the user in Component.onCompleted(),
but positionViewAtIndex() seems to behave randomly: sometime the listview
is moved correctly, sometime is off by 1 or 2 items.
I've been having this issue since 5.0 and i can still reproduce it on 5.3,
i spent several hours trying to debug it but without luck, in the end i
added a workaround:

Timer {

    interval: 100

    repeat: false

    running: true

    onTriggered: {



but it's really a bad solution, and it's even visible.

Is it wrong to call positionViewAtIndex() inside Component.onCompleted()?
If so, when should i call it?

The component is a simple digit selector.

--- CODE ---

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {

  id: main

  width: 60

  height: 180

  color: "transparent"

  border.color: "black"

  border.width: 3

  radius: 3

  clip: true

  property int initialDigit: 0;

  property int digit: 0;

  property string textColor: "violet";

  function alignIndex()


    var newIndex = main.digit + 50



  /** workaround, force refresh after initialization **/

  Timer {

    interval: 100

    repeat: false

    running: true

    onTriggered: {




  onDigitChanged: {

    if( main.digit >= 10 ) {

      main.digit = main.digit % 10




  Component.onCompleted: {

    for( var i = 0; i < 10; i +=1 )


      for( var n = 0; n < 10; n += 1 )



          digit: n




    //console.log("initial digit: "+initialDigit)

    digit = initialDigit



  Timer {

    running: true

    repeat: false

    interval: 1

    onTriggered: {




  ListView {

    id: listView

    anchors.fill: parent

    snapMode: ListView.SnapPosition

    Rectangle {

      anchors.left: listView.left

      anchors.right: listView.right

      anchors.margins: 3

      height: 60 * 0.8

      y: main.height/2.0 - height/2.0 - 3

      color: "#37ffffff"


    onMovementEnded: {

      main.digit = listView.indexAt(


        listView.contentY + main.height/2.0

      ) % 10


    model: ListModel {

      id: listModel


    orientation: ListView.Vertical

    delegate: Component


      id: digitDelegate;



        height: 60

        width: main.width

        Text {

          id: digitText

          anchors.fill: parent

          text: digit

          font.pixelSize: parent.height * 0.8

          verticalAlignment: Text.Center

          horizontalAlignment: Text.Center

          Component.onCompleted: {

            digitText.color = main.textColor







Davide Baldo
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