[Development] Unsatisfied symbols for QAbstractOpenGLFunctions

Christophe de Dinechin christophe at taodyne.com
Wed Nov 26 08:42:32 CET 2014

I'm trying to adapt Tao3D (http://tao3d.sourceforge.net) to the "new" way of doing OpenGL on Qt. I run into unsatisfied symbols for QAbstractOpenGLFunctions (specifically, the vtable and the destructor), despite the fact that QOpenGLFunctions_3_0 (which derives from QAbstractOpenGLFunctions) is present in the libQtGui.a library. I'm using the MinGW binaries from the installer. Why would a derived class be in the library if the base class is not?

$ nm libQt5Gui.a | grep QOpenGLFunctions_3_0
00000000 I __imp___ZTV20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0
00000000 I __nm___ZTV20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0
00000000 I __imp___ZTI20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0
00000000 I __nm___ZTI20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0
00000000 T __ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0D2Ev
00000000 I __imp___ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0D2Ev
00000000 T __ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0D1Ev
00000000 I __imp___ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0D1Ev
00000000 T __ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0D0Ev
00000000 I __imp___ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0D0Ev
00000000 T __ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0C2Ev
00000000 I __imp___ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0C2Ev
00000000 T __ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0C1Ev
00000000 I __imp___ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_0C1Ev
00000000 T __ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_025initializeOpenGLFunctionsEv
00000000 I __imp___ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_025initializeOpenGLFunctionsEv
00000000 T __ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_019isContextCompatibleEP14QOpenGLContext
00000000 I __imp___ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_019isContextCompatibleEP14QOpenGLContext
00000000 T __ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_014versionProfileEv
00000000 I __imp___ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_3_014versionProfileEv

$ nm libQt5Gui.a | grep QAbstractOpenGL

Christophe de Dinechin

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