[Development] QConfig update.

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Thu Oct 16 11:51:08 CEST 2014

Thiago Macieira schreef op 16-10-2014 09:17:
> On Thursday 16 October 2014 08:51:52 André Somers wrote:
>> Exactly the same way moc already parses header files now? My idea was to
>> explore if it were possible to build on what moc already can do. You
>> might have noticed that this idea looks exactly like how you create
>> Q_PROPERTY declarations. I think they should basically _be_ Q_PROPERTY
>> declarations, though the options would be extended with keywords such as
> That's abusing moc for something it wasn't intended. Moc creates a meta object
> information for an existing object. That implies:
> * the class is a QObject, which this needs not be
It is exactly what I was proposing though. Note that this is *not* 
QConfig/QConfigGroup. I do happen to think that being a QObject for a 
(central) settings object is a very useful quality. For instance, in 
order to signal changes to values.
I know of course that moc was not intended for this. However, you were 
asking how such a format could be parsed, and I was pointing out that Qt 
has been doing exactly that for ages.

> * there are no extra methods present in the class, which this needs
What do you mean by that?
> We need a code generator that generates a header and possibly a .cpp that can
> be #included for use elsewhere, like uic. That's not moc.
> The syntax you proposed does not accomplish that:
> class AppSettings: public QTypedConfig
> {
>      Q_SETTINGS(); // Q_OBJECT, but perhaps with some extra's like the
> ability to include generated function declarations for getters and setters
>      Q_SETTING(int width SETTING "dialog/window-width"  DEFAULT 800);
> //use generated getter, setter and notify
>      Q_SETTING(MyCustomType myValue READ myValue  WRITE setMyValue NOTIFY
> myValueChanged); //use custom getter and setter
> public:
>       AppSettings(QObject* parent = 0);
>       MyCustomType myValue() const;
>       void setMyValue(const MyCustomType& value);
>       Q_SIGNAL void myValueChanged(const MyCustomValue& value);
> };
> Given this header, there's no way the preprocessor can turn the Q_SETTING
> macro into a useful declaration. So you can be absolutely sure that the above
> will not be the way to write the setting declarations. The schema will not be
> a C++ source or header file.
Given that you know a lot more that I do about what can and what cannot 
be done here... What is blocking doing this _exactly_? Would there be 
any feasible workaround for that? Would it be possible to do if you were 
required to #include the generated .h file inside the class itself for 

Something like this perhaps?

class AppSettings: public QTypedConfig
     Q_SETTINGS(AppSettings); // Q_OBJECT, but perhaps with some extra's
     #include(appsettings_inc.h) //include generated definitions

     Q_SETTING(int width SETTING "dialog/window-width"  DEFAULT 800);
//use generated getter, setter and notify
     Q_SETTING(MyCustomType myValue READ myValue  WRITE setMyValue NOTIFY
myValueChanged); //use custom getter and setter


where the contents of appsettings_inc.h would be generated by the 
generator, to yield something like:

//generated for setting property width
int width() const; //Q_PROPERTY READ function
void setWidth(int width); // Q_PROPERTY WRITE function
void widthChanged(int width); // Q_PROPERTY SIGNAL function
void resetWidth(); //revert to set default value; Q_PROPERTY RESET function

I don't think it is stretching what moc is already doing conceptually 
all _that_ much. It basically creates properties that are persistent in 
some kind of store for configuration, instead of them depending on 
variables in the object itself. And again: I'd find this (or similar) 
fuctionality also very useful for the Q_PROPERTY MEMBER keyword that we 
already have.


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