[Development] Suggested method to distribute QML library

Ben Lau xbenlau at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 09:14:23 CEST 2014

hi all,

I am developing a library with set of QML components . It will be shared on
Github. I would expect people use it via `git submodule` instead of coping
those QML files to their source tree and install to QML module path.

As now the default project created by QT Creator uses resource file to
manage QML files. I would like to provide a resource file to let user to
include and get the library works. That should also simplify the software
build and installation process.

However, QT Creator can not recognise the import path with "qrc" schema.
The syntax highlighting and auto completion do not work.

For example,

  import "qrc:/mylib"

  MyLibComponent {

QT Creator will put a underline in "MyLibComponent" . But it could be
compiled and executed.

Any suggested method to solve this problem /  distribute a QML library , so
that user can bundle the library inside their app easily?

Thank for any advise.
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