[Development] HEADS-UP: Qt 5.4.2 release coming

Heikkinen Jani jani.heikkinen at theqtcompany.com
Fri Apr 10 12:23:48 CEST 2015

Hi all,

Qt5.git integration succeed finally in '5.4' and so on we can start soft branching from '5.4' to '5.4.2' today.  '5.4.2' branch is already created and downmerge from '5.4' to '5.4.2' will be done Friday 17th April 2015.  That way everyone should have enough time to finalize ongoing changes in '5.4' branch & start using '5.4.2' branch for the changes targeted to Qt 5.4.2 release. Target is to release Qt 5.4.2 at the end of April.

Please remember: we are doing patch level release now meaning do not put any new features / nice to have fix in it!

Please make sure all issues blocking the Qt 5.4.2 release are linked to blocker meta bug: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-44881

Snapshot creation is ongoing & first Qt5.4.2 snapshot should be available here later today: http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.4/



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