[Development] Are SiCs through #include cleanups considered acceptable?

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Fri Apr 10 14:06:18 CEST 2015

Marc Mutz schreef op 10-4-2015 om 13:29:
> On Friday 10 April 2015 11:56:37 André Somers wrote:
> [...]
>> Interesting approach. What's the benefit over using a class inheriting
>> from the template as QStringList does?
> [...]
> For one, you're not supoosed to inherit from value classes. For another... Oh,
> I think that's enough reasons :)
That a religious argument instead of a technical one.

It was meant as a serious question. It looks to me like the chosen 
alternative is more complex than what was there before, especially in 
tricking the user to think that it actually _is_ a class. So again: what 
is the benefit of a change like this?


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