[Development] QML bindings for native Android controls

Attila Csipa qt at csipa.in.rs
Thu Apr 16 12:32:54 CEST 2015

IANAL but using "for Android" should be fine w both Google and Qt (just 
stick the TM notice in your docs). I'm leaning towards Controls for 
Android (or, maybe QML for Android). It can still have a name of it's 
own (pick your favorite dog name or noun), but a descriptive name would 
IMO go a long way to understand what this is about, especially as it can 
be confusing as to how it relates to other Qt modules and technologies.

Best regards,
Attila Csipa

On 4/13/2015 3:58 PM, Nurmi J-P wrote:
>> On 13 Apr 2015, at 14:13, Harri Pasanen <harri at mpaja.com> wrote:
>> Name candidates: QML-Droid  or QDroid
> Various derivatives from Droid seem to be popular. Does it not fall to the “any play on names” or “slang in names” categories?
> http://wiki.qt.io/Creating_a_new_module_or_tool_for_Qt
>> Btw, can QML do layouting of Android widgets, or is that left for the
>> android layout engine?
> So far I have just exposed the Android layouts, but implementing anchors is on the wishlist. That would make Qt Quick developers feel at home. Android’s RelativeLayout does not quite feel the same.
> --
> J-P Nurmi
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