[Development] QML bindings for native Android controls
Attila Csipa
qt at csipa.in.rs
Fri Apr 17 15:58:46 CEST 2015
IMO Xamarin has (or at least had) a more modern approach, and since
mobile was their bread-and-butter, they put a lot of effort there, and
it really shows. I have some experience with it, so (again IMO) various
gotchas notwithstanding, on *mobile*, it is considerably more mature
than the Qt offering of today, even if I prefer QML over XAML any day.
The way I see it, Qt's strong points are really in the desktop/embedded
area and the (L)GPL licensing. I'm a bit afraid Xamarin will give in to
the dark side (Xamarin.Forms and the related tooling does try to sell
the single shared codebase dream, even if it's backed by native
controls). No real experiences with React Native yet...
Best regards,
On 4/16/2015 5:16 PM, Robert Knight wrote:
>> What is sorely needed is a fast, prototyping-friendly and
>> platform-agnostic way of doing UIs while relying on their native
>> implementation of widgets, usage patterns, libraries etc.
> Xamarin and React Native are aiming to get as close to that as
> feasible without compromising
> on design - which means that they explicit DON'T promise "write once,
> run anywhere" because
> the UX is not the same across platforms.
> What they promise instead is 'learn once, run anywhere' - that is, use
> the same language, tools and non-UI
> logic across apps.
> React Native is very new (but very promising) but I'd be interested to
> hear if anyone has experience of what development of large
> apps with Xamarin is like vs. Qt for mobile?
> On 16 April 2015 at 11:32, Attila Csipa <qt at csipa.in.rs> wrote:
>> IANAL but using "for Android" should be fine w both Google and Qt (just
>> stick the TM notice in your docs). I'm leaning towards Controls for
>> Android (or, maybe QML for Android). It can still have a name of it's
>> own (pick your favorite dog name or noun), but a descriptive name would
>> IMO go a long way to understand what this is about, especially as it can
>> be confusing as to how it relates to other Qt modules and technologies.
>> Best regards,
>> Attila Csipa
>> On 4/13/2015 3:58 PM, Nurmi J-P wrote:
>>>> On 13 Apr 2015, at 14:13, Harri Pasanen <harri at mpaja.com> wrote:
>>>> Name candidates: QML-Droid or QDroid
>>> Various derivatives from Droid seem to be popular. Does it not fall to the “any play on names” or “slang in names” categories?
>>> http://wiki.qt.io/Creating_a_new_module_or_tool_for_Qt
>>>> Btw, can QML do layouting of Android widgets, or is that left for the
>>>> android layout engine?
>>> So far I have just exposed the Android layouts, but implementing anchors is on the wishlist. That would make Qt Quick developers feel at home. Android’s RelativeLayout does not quite feel the same.
>>> --
>>> J-P Nurmi
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