[Development] Rotating JPEG images by default

Allan Sandfeld Jensen kde at carewolf.com
Thu Apr 23 14:46:52 CEST 2015

On Thursday 23 April 2015, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
> On 04/23/2015 02:34 PM, André Somers wrote:
> > What is the problem with using
> > 
> > Image {
> > 
> >      source:  "someImage.jpg"
> >      autorotate: true
> > 
> > }
> > 
> > Again: note that QImage != QML Image
> > 
> > I don't like globals if they can be avoided. In this case, I think they
> > can.
> I could certainly live with that, but if you renamed "autorotate" to
> "showWithCorrectRotation" you'd have to agree that it's a rather silly
> flag. Of course I want my images to appear with the correct rotation. :-)
> I do agree that for QImage leaving the autorotation off can make sense
> in some cases. But for QML Image, I cannot think of a single case where
> I wouldn't want a JPEG to be automatically rotated.
Well, it could be separated between QImage and QPixmap, and QML images 
following QPixmap. With the logic being that images are for pixel handling and 
pixmaps for showing. It could cause all kinds of confusion though.


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