[Development] Qt Speech: text to speech in 5.6

Samuel Gaist samuel.gaist at edeltech.ch
Tue Aug 4 23:54:16 CEST 2015

On 4 août 2015, at 09:24, Frederik Gladhorn <frederik.gladhorn at theqtcompany.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I would like to propose the tts parts of QtSpeech (the current dev branch) for 
> inclusion in Qt 5.6.0. Along with that I'd like to invite everyone to review 
> QtSpeech, it's not much code and works on most platforms. Notably iOS is still 
> missing, although I have proof of concept patches (if someone wants to finish 
> them let me know, I don't know if I'll get around in time). I have no idea 
> about non-desktop Windows in this area.
> Cheers,
> Frederik


I might have some time to help on the iOS side

Best regards

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