[Development] Qt 5.6.0 Beta candidate packages available

Helio Chissini de Castro helio at kde.org
Thu Dec 10 12:57:12 CET 2015

Ok, again

We're told that the splitted packages will be available with the beta
release ( not the snapshots ).
This still considered a snapshot or we packagers will be ignored until
someone say "released" ?

And how we suppose to test and inform you, if we don't have the proper set ?


On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Heikkinen Jani <
jani.heikkinen at theqtcompany.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have finally Qt 5.6.0 beta candidate packages available:
> Mac: http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-beta/224/
> Linux: http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-beta/290/
> Windows: http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-beta/283/
> src: http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/5.6/5.6.0-beta/latest_src/
> All known blockers are fixed in these packages so if nothing serious found
> during testing we will release these package as Qt 5.6.0 beta on Monday so
> please inform me immediately if you find something badly broken.
> br,
> Jani
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