[Development] Proposal: Deprecating platforms in Qt 5.6 that don't support lambda

Иван Комиссаров abbapoh at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 13:10:37 CET 2015

Sorry for interupting the discussion, but i saw mentioning of a
range-based-for, so i have a question. std::map/unordered_map uses
std::pair as a value type, and map::iterator::operator* returns reference
to a pair, while Qt doesn't have an underlying struct and operator* returns
ref to T (without a Key). So, using range-based-for (and foreach) with Qt
containers doesn't allow to have an access to a key.
Should this behavior be changed in the future (yes, this breaks source

2015-02-20 15:02 GMT+03:00 Tomasz Siekierda <sierdzio at gmail.com>:

> On 20 February 2015 at 12:52, Alejandro Exojo <suy at badopi.org> wrote:
> > El Thursday 19 February 2015, Tomasz Siekierda escribió:
> >> So those companies/ users of QNX are not willing to upgrade their OS,
> >> compiler, but they are willing to upgrade Qt?
> >
> > I think the main problem with requiring a very up to date Qt is that
> sometimes
> > only newer versions of Qt have bugfixes.
> Same is true for the OSes and compilers...
> In any case, I don't mind much. It would be nice to see Qt deprecate
> old compilers, but if the general public says "no", then so be it.
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