[Development] QtCore missing check for memory allocation
Robin Burchell
robin+qt at viroteck.net
Fri Feb 27 11:47:05 CET 2015
On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 9:20 AM, Oswald Buddenhagen
<oswald.buddenhagen at theqtcompany.com> wrote:
>> The argument is that it implies runtime overhead. See Robin's email for
>> numbers. This is asking for making the code slower on the very devices where
>> it needs to run faster.
> i don't trust this number. i don't know how qMalloc was implemented, but
> there is no way a simple forwarding wrapper would add 10% overhead to
> malloc (esp. in an optimized build).
> modern processors even have a specific optimization for call forwarding
> (or whatever it's called properly).
I went and dug out the test I had. I remembered the results correctly
(for OS X, for Linux the situation is somehow worse overall?). The
measurement is actually qMalloc + qFree vs malloc + free, so the
overhead is shared across two calls. See the attachments.
Here's the results for OS X 10.10 and Linux (Ubuntu 12.04). Hopefully
they don't get screwed in mail formatting :)
OS X 10.10 Size ms Total Iterations
qtMalloc 1 0,000055 58 1048576
qtMalloc 10 0,000056 60 1048576
qtMalloc 100 0,000059 69 1048576
qtMalloc 10000 0,00018 90 524288
qtMalloc 1000000 0,029 59 2048
qtMalloc 10000000 0,34 86 256
regularMalloc 1 0,000051 55 1048576
regularMalloc 10 0,000051 58 1048576
regularMalloc 100 0,000052 55 1048576
regularMalloc 10000 0,00013 73 524288
regularMalloc 1000000 0,029 59 2048
regularMalloc 10000000 0,4 97 256
Percentage change
Linux Size ms Total Iterations
qtMalloc 1 0,000032 68 2097152
qtMalloc 10 0,000032 68 2097152
qtMalloc 100 0,000036 76 2097152
qtMalloc 10000 0,00021 57 262144
qtMalloc 1000000 0,037 76 2048
qtMalloc 10000000 0,47 61 128
regularMalloc 1 0,00001 92 8388608
regularMalloc 10 0,000011 95 8388608
regularMalloc 100 0,000011 99 8388608
regularMalloc 10000 0,000011 97 8388608
regularMalloc 1000000 0,000011 93 8388608
regularMalloc 10000000 0,000011 96 8388608
Percentage change
Looking at the instruction counts (Linux only, via callgrind) is
interesting, though, and I don't know how to explain this:
Linux Size Instruction reads
qtMalloc 1 376
qtMalloc 10 376
qtMalloc 100 405
qtMalloc 10000 2,320
qtMalloc 1000000 95,208
qtMalloc 10000000 938,880
regularMalloc 1 179
regularMalloc 10 179
regularMalloc 100 179
regularMalloc 10000 179
regularMalloc 1000000 179
regularMalloc 10000000 179
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