[Development] Qt 5.5 feature freeze nearing

Sean Harmer sean.harmer at kdab.com
Tue Jan 13 11:09:20 CET 2015

On Tuesday 13 Jan 2015 10:40:16 Ayberk Özgür wrote:
> Dear All,
> Since the Qt 5.5 feature freeze is near, may I ask how Qt3D 2.0 is
> looking as part of Qt 5.5 at this point? Some time ago, in a discussion
> with Sean Harmer, he pointed out that they were looking to release Qt3D
> 2.0 as part of Qt 5.5.

Quick status update:

* I'm trying to resolve issues around static builds of Qt3D in the CI so that 
Qt3D can be included in the overall qt5 packaging and builds.

* Mouse input is being generalised

* A custom Qt Quick 2 item to render Qt3D content is being worked on

* Work has started on a repeater type element to allow use of OpenGL 

* Improved support for specifying Uniform Buffer Objects and uniform arrays is 
under review

* A set of default materials has been merged and just needs a little improving 
once the above UBO support is finalised

* Skeleton doc system is in place but I still need to write a ton of 

* Konstantin Ritt has very kindly provided a proof of concept aspect that 
wraps bullet physics. Not sure if we'll ship this with Qt3D 2.0 or not yet but 
it's revealed some bits of the inter-aspect communications that need 
improvement. Which we'll start looking at this week.

* Digia/The Qt Company are looking into providing an alternative tasking layer 
based upon Qt Concurrent rather than ThreadWeaver to remove any LGLP 

So in summary, yes we are aiming for Qt 5.5 but there is still some work to 
do. And as always more examples are always nice to have.

All help appreciated.

Kind regards,

Dr Sean Harmer | sean.harmer at kdab.com | Managing Director UK
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

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