[Development] what's the latest status about tests/auto/bic/data?

Sergio Ahumada sahumada at texla.cl
Tue Jan 13 21:17:15 CET 2015

On 13/01/15 21:05, Liang Qi wrote:
> Hi,
> Looks like we have binary compatible check things(at least for
> linux-gcc-ia32) before, but I only found 5.0.0 and 5.1.0 data. For example,
> https://github.com/qtproject/qtbase/tree/dev/tests/auto/bic/data
> https://github.com/qtproject/qtdeclarative/tree/dev/tests/auto/bic/data
> I forgot how it works. And what's the latest status of them?

You need to run


on, eg., Ubuntu x86 to generate the .txt files for each module and then
put them in the right repository, something like:

cd qtbase
git checkout v5.2.0
/path/to/qtqa/tests/postbuild/bic/gen.sh QtGui 5.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32

git checkout v5.3.0
/path/to/qtqa/tests/postbuild/bic/gen.sh QtGui 5.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32

git checkout v5.4.0
/path/to/qtqa/tests/postbuild/bic/gen.sh QtGui 5.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32

if I am not mistaken.

> Regards,
> Liang
> -- 
> http://www.qiliang.net

Sergio Ahumada
sahumada at texla.cl

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