[Development] QtContacts - New class QContactCollection

Renato Araujo renatox at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 20:51:21 CET 2015

Hi Cris,

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:17 PM, Chris Adams <chris.adams at qinetic.com.au>

> QContactType::TypeGroup is meant to represent a group of entities with
> shared contact details (eg, a local football club might have a mailing-list
> email address, a clubhouse phone number, etc).  Individual contacts can
> have membership in groups (so various friends can be members of the
> football club group).  I don't think that overloading TypeGroup with
> aggregation semantics is a great idea, personally.

Thanks for the clarification. I was confuse about the
QContactType::TypeGroup type, but now I understand how this should be

> We had a discussion a while ago (I cannot remember where, and a quick grep
> through QTBUG-31824 failed me) about adding a new QContactType::TypeFacet
> (to match stdlib nomenclature) or QContactType::TypeConstituent where
> contacts of those types represent "service- or sync-endpoint-specific
> contact instances which are aggregated into a 'full' contact".  The "full"
> contact would be a QContactType::TypeContact contact, and it would have
> QContactRelationship::Aggregates relationships with the Facet/Constituent
> contacts.

As Matthew mentioned this was already integrated to the mainline.

About the relationships, what I understand now is that (please correct me
if I am wrong):  the Main Contact should contain all the details from other
contacts, and if I want to have more information (let say that I want to
know where these details came from), I can use "QContact::relationships()"
method it will return a list of relationships where I can find the id of
the others contacts, but these contacts will be of the type

But lets say that I have two normal contacts one from my "local" address
book and another from my google "address-book" (both contacts contains
(phone number, email, address, etc) and I want to merge both contacts. Is
this case should I change the google contact to TypeFacet and merge all
details into the local contact?

> Then it comes back to what Konstantin suggests: each Facet/Constituent
> belongs to the particular addressbook (eg, the OwnCloud addressbook, the
> Fruux addressbook etc) and the Aggregate/Full contact belongs to the
> FullContacts addressbook.  If the user edits the contact on the device, you
> generate a "local" Facet/Constituent which is also linked into the
> aggregate.  The aggregate can be regenerated on every write, or on every
> read, depending on the desired performance characteristics for the device /
> which trade-offs are preferred.

In fact this this looks like a good solution, and If I want, I can use the
"QContactCollection:extendedMetaData()" method to retrieve a list of
collections aggregate on this contact

> Note that this is the way we do it in nemomobile's qtcontacts-sqlite
> engine, however we use rather artificial separations based on synctarget
> (string) filtering, rather than Addressbook collections (we'd definitely
> prefer Addressbook collections, going forward).

I went forward with the implementation, and I have already a MR[1] ready
for review. Please take a look when you have time:

[1] https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/104026/

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