[Development] QGLWidget and GL_ALPHA_BITS

Alessio Mochi alessio211734 at yahoo.it
Thu Jan 29 17:41:12 CET 2015

Hello,I don't know why when I retrive information on GL_ALPHA_BITS in qt programreturn 0.
GLint alpha_bits; glGetIntegerv(GL_ALPHA_BITS, & alpha_bits);
alpha_bits return 0 while in glut application return 8.

I tried to initialize QGLWidget with QGLFormat but does not work.
QGLFormat glFormat; glFormat.setAlpha(true); glFormat.setAlphaBufferSize(8); glFormat.setStencil(true); GLApp w(glFormat);
where class GLApp : public QGLWidget
Please help me.

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