[Development] The dark side of QtMultimedia - strikes back

Massimo Callegari massimocallegari at yahoo.it
Sun Jul 5 10:18:51 CEST 2015

Da: Hausmann Simon <Simon.Hausmann at theqtcompany.com>
A: Massimo Callegari <massimocallegari at yahoo.it>; "development at qt-project.org" <development at qt-project.org> 
Inviato: Domenica 5 Luglio 2015 8:33
Oggetto: Re: [Development] The dark side of QtMultimedia - strikes back

> Hi,

> Could you  elaborate how omxplayer uses gstreamer?

> I only see openmax il usage, but perhaps I am missing something. 

> Thanks,
> Simon

Simon, you are right. omxplayer goes straight into ffmpeg and omx. My fault here.

Anyway see my reply to Thiago with the gst-launch test.

The chain GST-1.0->OMX does indeed work as expected on the Pi.


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