[Development] Container benchmark was HEADS UP: Don't use QList, use Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Fri Jul 17 12:07:22 CEST 2015

Marc Mutz schreef op 17-7-2015 om 12:21:
> What might also be a consideration when making a container like this, is
> that I find the key is often (not always of course) already part of the
> value data structure. For instance, if I store employee records and key
> them by id, that id is also in the record itself. It would be nice to
> have a fast and friendly key-based container that could handle that
> without duplicating the data...
> You can have that with C++11 std::*set, and a custom transparent comparator,
> but of course, they are not cache-friendly. But it's testament to the value of
> having the ability to _have_ a custom comparator. QFashHash consequently has
> that ability, but its a map, not a set, so it won't fit your use-case.
I guess this [1] would work, but that is C++14, not 11. Otherwise, I 
don't quite see how to retreive my Employee record again if I just have 
the id...


[1] http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/set/find variants 3 and 4

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