[Development] Qt for Native Client.

Steve Schilz sschilz at pasco.com
Sat Jul 18 01:40:48 CEST 2015

Hi Morten/Qt List

I am trying to see if I can get Qt for native client running, using the read me in qt5/qtbase wip/nacl branch.

  OSX 10.9.5
  Nacl SDK, pepper_43 version
  Python 2.7.10

I have done the following
   1. clone qt from git, check out 5.5 branch (not 5.5.0)
   2. checkout qtbase wip/nacl branch
   3. check out qtdeclarative branch 5.5
   4. cherr-pick qtdeclarative commit https://codereview.qt-project.org/qt/qtdeclarative refs/changes/70/114670/1,
   5. configure and build Qt,  nacl-configure mac_x86_newlib release 64, used nacl_sdk/pepper_43.
   6. make module-qtbase, -qtdeclarative and -qtquickcontrols, 
      these succeed, i.e. the relevant .a library files appear in the builddir/libs folder.
   7. extracted the example nacl app from https://github.com/msorvig/qt5-qtdeclarative-nacl.git, 5.4.0 branch,
      copied it to builddir/qtbase/example-nacl  (provides the proper relative paths so libs link correctly).
      I uncommented the #include path for nacl in the .pro file.
   8. it builds !!  :)
   9 Make sure to exit chrome completely, then run nacl-deployqt as follows: 
       cd to example build dir, then run \full-path\qtbase\bin\nacldeployqt nacl.nexe --run

I think the relevant error is related to accessing the time zone:
[94230,2038145808:16:32:56.805674] Native Client module will be loaded at base address 0x00004e8f00000000
Not implemented: getLocalTZA()

Full console output appears below:

$ /Users/steve/Qt/qt5-git-naclBuild/qtbase/bin/nacldeployqt nacl.nexe --run
Note: qml_plugin_import.cpp file found. Auto-enabling --quick option.
Deploying "nacl.nexe"
Using SDK "/projects/chrome/nacl_sdk/pepper_43"
Qt libs in "/Users/steve/Qt/qt5-git-naclBuild/qtbase/lib"
Output directory: "/Users/steve/Qt/qt5-git-naclBuild/qtbase/example-nacl"

Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
[94217:1287:0717/163253:ERROR:url_pattern_set.cc(240)] Invalid url pattern: chrome://print/*
[94217:1287:0717/163254:ERROR:bluetooth_adapter_mac.mm(110)] Not implemented reached in virtual bool device::BluetoothAdapterMac::IsDiscoverable() const - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:54] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:54] "GET /qtloader.js HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:54] "GET /nacl.nmf HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:54] "GET /nacl.nexe HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[94225:1287:0717/163255:ERROR:resource_request_policy.cc(57)] Denying load of chrome-extension://apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf/page_embed_script.js from hosted app.
[94225:1287:0717/163256:ERROR:resource_request_policy.cc(57)] Denying load of chrome-extension://apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf/page_embed_script.js from hosted app. - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:56] code 404, message File not found - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:56] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -
[94230,2038145808:16:32:56.805674] Native Client module will be loaded at base address 0x00004e8f00000000
Not implemented: getLocalTZA() - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:57] code 404, message File not found - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:57] "GET /qml/QtQuick.2.1/qmldir HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:57] "GET /qml/QtQuick.2/qmldir HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:57] code 404, message File not found - - [17/Jul/2015 16:32:57] "GET /qml/QtQuick/qmldir HTTP/1.1" 404 -
[94225:1287:0717/163303:ERROR:resource_request_policy.cc(57)] Denying load of chrome-extension://apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf/page_embed_script.js from hosted app.
[94217:78855:0717/163305:ERROR:get_updates_processor.cc(243)] PostClientToServerMessage() failed during GetUpdates


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 13:44:38 +0000
From: Sorvig Morten <Morten.Sorvig at theqtcompany.com>
Subject: [Development] Qt for Native Client
To: development <development at qt-project.org>
Message-ID: <F303408C-187B-44B5-9864-44F24FD46273 at digia.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


I?m happy to announce that a work-in-progress port of Qt to the Chrome / Native Client platform has now been pushed to the wip/nacl branch in QtBase. So far development has been closed, but we are now ready to develop in the open and also take contributions. My intention is to at some point merge the work, after the whip/nacl and dev branches have converged sufficiently,

The main difference from other platforms is that Qt for NaCl is running in the web sandbox, which has lots of interesting implications for areas like file or network access. The port is tested with Qt Widgets and Qt Quick and supports raster and OpenGL graphics.

"Getting started? instructions can be found at qtbase/nacl-readme.

One further patch is needed for QtDeclarative, available here:


- Morten


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