[Development] Request to delete libibusplatforminputcontextplugin.so from qtbase

Takao Fujiwara tfujiwar at redhat.com
Tue Jul 21 09:00:45 CEST 2015

On 07/21/15 15:07, Thiago Macieira-san wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 July 2015 14:36:19 Takao Fujiwara wrote:
>>> * We need at least one input context to use and test against (on Linux)
>>> when developing Qt further. Not having the plugin in qtbase will lead to
>>> us not testing IMEs on Linux anymore, something I really want to avoid.
>> I think you don't have to require IBus but other IMFs likes qt4.
>> gtk also does not include the IBus modules in itself.
> We don't develop gtk. We do develop Qt4 and we know that supporting complex
> input methods with it was a pain and it often regressed due to lack of
> testing. I think limiting the testing is doing a disservice to our users.

However I guess you won't complete IBus testings since there are various functionalities by languages.

>>> * As Sune said, the platform plugin headers are not stable, so having it
>>> in tree will give you a better chance of keeping things in sync with Qt
>>> releases
>> Some changes are not already acceptable even though the headers are not
>> stable. I think we could track the changes with bug trackers.
> That's a worse situation than keeping developing at the same pace.

Hmm..., This situation is conflict from IBus side...

>>> * The IMEs for pretty much all non Linux platforms reside in qtbase. Why
>>> should we handle Linux differently (except for the fact that there's
>>> still a multitude of IMEs on Linux :/ )
>> But the current IBus module is not useful for users.
> Can you explain this a bit more? What are the issues?

Hangul users cannot commit the spaces with the right order.

The patch was submitted for qt 5.3 and rebase to head, 5.4, head, 5.5, head for about one year.
Now IBus requires asynchronously key event processes and I think it should be upstreamed asap.


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