[Development] Qt LTS & C++11 plans (CopperSpice)

Ansel Sermersheim ansel at copperspice.com
Wed Jul 22 03:32:09 CEST 2015

On 7/21/15 6:23 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 July 2015 18:10:27 Ansel Sermersheim wrote:
>> The most common use case of this is creating a QMap<QString, X> that is
>> sorted case insensitively. The STL allows this for std::map, and coming
>> to Qt from a background of standard C++ I was amazed that this very
>> common use case was not supported.
> Right, we usually work around this by having QMap<CaseInsensitiveString, X>.

Certainly possible to do, but sometimes quite awkward depending on the 

> This is something we should fix or 6.0, if we can accept the source
> compatibility break against forward declarations of QMap.
> I don't see the need to do the same for QHash. How often do people need a
> different comparator and/or a different hashing function for a given class type?

I have in the past used non-standard hashing and equality functions for 
std::unordered_map, but I will admit it is far less common.

Ansel Sermersheim

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