[Development] QtCS: Notes from Modern C++ session

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jun 12 16:49:38 CEST 2015

On 2015-06-12 04:17, Marc Mutz wrote:
> On Friday 12 June 2015 08:08:51 André Somers wrote:
>> Available for use then:
> range-for?
> variadic macros (these we already use in tests/ and no-one complained so far).

André, you mentioned 'auto'... does that include return type deduction?
What about trailing return specifiers?

(I recently posted a useful "helper function" - qOverload - that uses a
variadic template.)

>> Not available for use are:
>> * = default,
>> * = deleted,

Where are these not supported? I have code that (AFAIK) has been using
these already, and IIRC our compiler requirements are lower.

>> For now, don’t put std lib ABI into Qt ABI, except for nulltpr_t.
> Too late: QException inherits std::exception (for a looong time already), and 
> by virtue of various exported subclasses of QVector and QList, we export ABI 
> that contains std::vector and std::list (toStdList(), toStdVector()). We 
> probably also export ABI using std::string, because I'm sure someone somewhere 
> has inherited an exported class from QString...

Besides being inline (template, dontcha know), isn't there an option to
disable those? (Maybe not std::exception one, but at least the Qt <->
STL container conversions?)


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