[Development] Contribution proposal, mainly server-side and QtWidgets-based

Grégoire Barbier devel at g76r.eu
Thu Oct 1 15:43:49 CEST 2015

Le 01/10/2015 00:48, Jaroslaw Staniek a écrit :
> Hi Grégoire
> All of this looks interesting, and the web integration is just awesome idea.
> We need more of Qt on the server!

Thanks Jaroslaw !

I think that sharing the same model code for a web console and a desktop 
(or phone) gui is very interesting, hence what I did (even though it 
still needs work).

And I would found convenient to git-push the same code on a Qt cloud 
services' MAR instance hosting a web app, than the one in the 
full-featured app.

But since you are the only one having replied to my mail, maybe this is 
not a so common need, or not the most important for many of us.

And, apart from that, I wrote Qt server-side utilites because I wrote a 
server using Qt, but when I searched for such frameworks, I found very 
few Qt apps on the server side, I don't know if people don't write such 
apps because they don't find Qt suited for that, because most people 
think that Qt is just a gui toolkit, or because some tools are lacking.
I personnaly needed features present in QProcess and 
QNetworkAccessManager, in a portable way, and an event loop.

Qt is great on the server-side, to me. :-)

Grégoire Barbier :: g à g76r.eu :: +33 6 21 35 73 49

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