[Development] [Cobham] QT Bug 43454

Shaw Andy andy.shaw at theqtcompany.com
Tue Oct 6 08:54:31 CEST 2015

I'm unable to do anything more about the issue at least, I was able to pinpoint the cause but I don't know how to fix it correctly so it is certainly out of my hands. I'd be happy to help out however I can to getting this fixed though.


From: development-bounces+andy.shaw=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org [mailto:development-bounces+andy.shaw=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org] On Behalf Of James Turner
Sent: 5. oktober 2015 18:16
To: Alex Coleman; Giuseppe D'Angelo; David Faure
Cc: cobham at mail.kdab.com
Subject: Re: [Development] [Cobham] QT Bug 43454

On 2 Oct 2015, at 05:48, Coleman, Alex <alex.coleman at cobham.com<mailto:alex.coleman at cobham.com>> wrote:

Is anyone aware of the issue in https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-43454? Given your infinite power over the guys from Digia (and the upcoming world summit) is there any chance you could get us some information on it please. I *think* it is causing us some difficulties at the moment and it doesn't seem like there's much we can do our end.

As always any info would be much appreciated.

Peppe posted a comment about a system-level change (configuration), I don't know how workable and/or laughable that seems to you.

We could patch Qt to roll-back the QSettings change, but that's really making the issue less common, not in any way addressing the problem. Ossi's proposed fix (which he deems 'simple', but not simple enough that he will implement it) seems clunky to me.

Peppe, any chance you can track down Andy Shaw + Thiago at QtWS and provoke some movement on this?

Kind regards,

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