[Development] New Qt Modules

Oswald Buddenhagen oswald.buddenhagen at theqtcompany.com
Tue Oct 13 12:01:34 CEST 2015

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 08:53:21AM +0000, Hausmann Simon wrote:
> I think code that isn't specific to the automotive industry such as as
> the dbus integration should be integrated into existing modules unless
> there is a good reason otherwise.
i said the same. ^^
it turns out that there are, ehm, "external constraints" regarding
binary packaging which suggest separation at the repo level.

but it occurred to me that this isn't unique to these modules: see the
current lgpl 2.1 vs. 3 situation within the qtlocation module. we're
going to handle that by splitting the repo at build time. while this
isn't strictly beautiful, it seems like a rather reasonable approach to
this specific problem. i suggest the proposal to be reconsidered with
this possibility in mind.

Viironen Kalle wrote:
>   *   qt/qtivi, Qt IVI extensible platform abstraction layer
>   *   qt/qtgeniviextras, Qt extras for GENIVI services
i'm still not clear why these should be separate repositories.
intuitively, genivi extras seems to be a subset of ivi. this doesn't
imply that they are the same module (library), but grouping modules by
topic at the repository level is often a reasonable thing.

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