[Development] Outfit based collation (was: RFC: Proposal for a semi-radical change in Qt APIs taking strings)
Knoll Lars
Lars.Knoll at theqtcompany.com
Fri Oct 16 12:53:37 CEST 2015
Hi Marco,
On 16/10/15 11:46, "Bubke Marco" <Marco.Bubke at theqtcompany.com> wrote:
>>> That is the
>>> power of iterators and with the new features of C++ they get really
>>> But anyway, I don't say that we have to change everything. The last
>>> we did that we broke our event system which is still not working like
>>> was before we introduced QWindow. I think we should have an
>>> process to adapt to the changing environment and not try to reiterate
>>> what was successful in the past.
>> I agree with what you said in this paragraph. But it does not lead to a
>> conclusion about using UTF-8 or even providing our own UTF-8 class.
>Introducing an utf 8 class is not that hard but providing the framework
>around. Collations are the problem. We have to use utf8 in QtCreator
>anyway so we could find out what is an useful API. But colation support
>in Qt would be really helpful in the longer run.
The problem with Collation and utf-8 is that the only API offering utf-8
based collation is ICU (which offers both utf-8 and utf-16 based
collation). Mac and Windows only offer utf-16.
So we’d still need to convert in most cases. It would probably be possible
to do that on the stack for small strings to avoid a malloc though. So we
can discuss adding a QCollator::collateUtf8(const char *s1, int len1,
const char *s2, int len2).
But just out of curiosity, where does Creator need collation in a
performance critical place?
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