[Development] Enhancement to QIODevice?

Andrzej Ostruszka andrzej.ostruszka at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 10:36:40 CEST 2015

On 09/14/2015 12:43 PM, André Somers wrote
> I guess that also means that your countTo() would need to be virtual,
> right? That would not be bc.
No.  This would be just additional functionality of the 
Since this buffer is available from QIODevicePrivate which itself is 
available to all descendants of QIODevice I could implement what I want 
by subclassing QSerialPort.
> Would it not make sense to just add a non-virtual getter and a setter
> for the delimitation marker in the QIODevice API, instead of hard-coding
> '\n'? Obviously you would default that to '\n', but for your usecase you
> would then set it to '\r' and everything else remain as-is...
Yes, that's another option.  This way we still would be doubly searching 
for the delimiter (once in canReadLine and second time in readLine) but 
I can live with that :)


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