[Development] Adding Microsoft-licensed library in Qt Multimedia

Lopes Yoann Yoann.Lopes at theqtcompany.com
Wed Sep 16 16:34:49 CEST 2015

Hello all,

In order to improve and add missing features in the DirectShow Qt Multimedia backend, I’d like to include a third-party library in Qt, namely, the DirectShow Base Classes Library [1]. See link [2] for the patch adding it in Qt Multimedia.

I’m just not sure about the legal part. This library is only made available by Microsoft as source code in the Windows SDK samples. As such, it's covered by the Windows SDK End-User License Agreement. Here's the relevant part of it:

a.   Distributable Code.  The software contains code that you are permitted to distribute in programs you develop if you comply with the terms below.
i.   Right to Use and Distribute.  The code and text files listed below are “Distributable Code.”
·   Sample Code.  You may modify, copy, and distribute the source and object code form of code marked as “sample.”
ii.  Distribution Requirements.  For any Distributable Code you distribute, you must
·   add significant primary functionality to it in your programs;
·   for any Distributable Code having a filename extension of .lib, distribute only the results of running such Distributable Code through a linker with your application;
·   require distributors and external end users to agree to terms that protect it at least as much as this agreement;
·   display your valid copyright notice on your programs;
·   indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Microsoft from any claims, including attorneys’ fees, related to the distribution or use of your programs.
iii. Distribution Restrictions.  You may not
·   alter any copyright, trademark or patent notice in the Distributable Code;
·   use Microsoft’s trademarks in your programs’ names or in a way that suggests your programs come from or are endorsed by Microsoft;
·   distribute Distributable Code to run on a platform other than the Windows platform;
·   include Distributable Code in malicious, deceptive or unlawful programs; or
·   modify or distribute the source code of any Distributable Code so that any part of it becomes subject to an Excluded License.  An Excluded License is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification or distribution, that
·   the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or
·   others have the right to modify it.

Does anyone have an idea about the legality of including this in Qt?
And if it's fine to include it, what should be in the license notice alongside the code?

[1]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375456(v=vs.85).aspx
[2]: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/125865

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