[Development] Proposal: change QML Flickable's flickableDirection default value to AutoFlickIfNeeded in 5.8

Alberto Mardegan mardy at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Aug 11 10:22:36 CEST 2016

On 07/26/2016 05:12 PM, Andrea Bernabei wrote:
> I'd like to propose changing the default value of QML Flickable's
> flickableDirection in Qt 5.8.

I vote against it :-)

While I agree that your proposal makes sense, I would advise against
implementing it before Qt 6. There are lots of programs out there using
Flickable, and we don't know how this change will affect them.

For instance, one application might be monitoring the "dragging"
property and perform some action when it changes, and after your
proposal is implemented it will stop receiving it.

I'm especially thinking of "pull to refresh" implementations, which
might completely stop working.


http://blog.mardy.it <- geek in un lingua international!

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