[Development] A new approach for Qt main()
Edward Welbourne
edward.welbourne at qt.io
Tue Dec 13 14:51:24 CET 2016
Morten Sorvig supplied:
> For some background, here’s what typical application startup looks
> like on macOS, NaCl, and Emscripten:
I've updated [0] to illustrate these.
[0] https://wiki.qt.io/Application_Start-up_Patterns
> macOS: Define the application delegate, create instance of it in main()
> // Define application delegate with app lifecycle callbacks
> @interface AppDelegate ()
> @end
> @implementation AppDelegate
> - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
> // Init application here
> }
> - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
> // Tear down here
> }
> @end
Please say more about what has to happen in these, especially init;
presumably, we need to add some handlers to something like an event
queue, to ensure our application gets told what's happening and when to
respond to it.
> // In main, install application delegate and start the app
> int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
> {
> NSApplication *app = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
> app.delegate = [[AppDelegate alloc] initWithArgc:argc argv:argv];
> return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
> }
I take it NSApplicationMain(argc, argv) contains a system standard event
loop that looks to the shared NSApplication for its control.
> Native Client: Define pp::CreateModule() and return the application
> module (which is a subclass of pp::Module)
> namespace pp {
> Module* CreateModule() {
> return new ApplicationModule();
> }
> }
I need some clue what methods pp::Module allows us to override and how
we can, by doing so, control what the resulting app does.
> Emscripten: implement main()
> int main(int argc, const char *argv[) {
> // Init application here
> return 0;
> }
> main() should/must return to keep the web page responsive.
I take it, then, that "main()" isn't the whole program, in the classic C
way, just an insertion into an existing running something - into which
we presumably inject some application-specific objects that connect
themselves into the event stream and provide ways to respond.
> There is API for simulating a main that does not return and preserve
> the stack, see emscripten_set_main_loop() in the emscripten
> documentation.
Sounds complicated. Better to fit in naturally with the native system's
preferred modus operandi.
Illustrations (maybe provided by link to existing examples) of how we
presently shoe-horn our existing architecture into the various cases
would be a passable first attempt at answering the open questions ...
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