[Development] Fwd: Compiling QtWebEngine

Berkay Elbir berkayelbir at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 08:32:29 CET 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Berkay Elbir <berkayelbir at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 2:02 PM
Subject: Compiling QtWebEngine
To: "interest at qt-project.org Interest" <interest at qt-project.org>

Hi everyone,

I tried to compile Qt 5.7.0 source code with web engine module on
Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. If I compile the source
code without web engine, everything works fine. However, I am in
trouble with compiling web engine module and getting following linker
error for all qtwebengine objects.
'_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '2' doesn't match value '0' in

Because of some special reason, we have to use qt debug dll's like
release. For this, we made following changes :

Go to Qt directory and open msvc-desktop.conf file
Change -MDd params to -MD for debug flags

And we run the following commands :

configure -opensource -confirm-license -mp -no-compile-examples
-nomake examples -nomake tests -make tools -opengl desktop -no-angle
-no-icu -skip qtmultimedia -skip location -skip sensors
-debug-and-release -no-warnings-are-errors -platform win32-msvc2013
-prefix D:\Qt\Qt5.7.0_x64 -openssl -I
D:\3rdParty\OpenSSL\OpenSSL-Win64\include -L
D:\3rdParty\jom_1_1_0\jom.exe module-qtwebengine

Thanks for your help.


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