[Development] 5.7 new features and 5.6 changelog
Knoll Lars
Lars.Knoll at theqtcompany.com
Tue Feb 16 15:26:06 CET 2016
On 16/02/16 14:38, "Development on behalf of Peter Kümmel" <development-bounces+lars.knoll=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org on behalf of syntheticpp at gmx.net> wrote:
>Am 16.02.2016 um 08:29 schrieb Knoll Lars:
>> Hi everybody,
>> It would be great if those of you who haven’t done so yet fill in the 5.7 new features page on the wiki (https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.7), so that we can get a good overview over the bigger new features in 5.7.
>> In addition, I’d like to ask every maintainer to have a look at the 5.6 changelog files, and checks that everything ok and the changelog is complete for your area.
>> Thanks,
>> Lars
>A question about the new license-feature:
>- projects under the GPLv2 can not use a LGPLv3 library (Qt only as GPLv2)
For project under GPLv2 there’s really no difference, as all parts of Qt that were available under LGPLv2.1 are still available under GPLv2. So you can continue to use Qt for your GPLv2 project as before.
>- LGPLv2.1 projects that want to use an LGPLv3 library. They must be upgraded to LGPLv3
>( http://nmav.gnutls.org/2013/03/the-perils-of-lgplv3.html )
This is only true if you combine these into a single work. This means, if you directly combine Qt code with code under the above licenses. If you use Qt as a shared library, it’s possible to keep LGPLv2.1 libraries in your stack.
If you use libraries under both v2.1 and v3 in your application, you simply need to adhere to the license requirements of both licenses.
>Don't you fear a lot of projects will only use 5.6 and never upgrade to higher versions?
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