[Development] some questions about QtGamePad

Matthew Woehlke mwoehlke.floss at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 16:29:27 CET 2016

On 2016-02-16 04:31, Curtis Mitch wrote:
>> How do you even handle hats???

This, for the record, was an expression of confusion. (Since alleviated,
though you'll notice from my latter post that I don't particularly agree
with this part of the design either.)

>> If you supported arbitrary axes, *you'd have these already*.

...because I am getting the impression that Nicols doesn't realize how
his overly constrained design is getting in the way of features he knows
are needed.

>> That's just... inconsiderate.

Sorry, but this one is just true, at least from my perspective as
someone who would have liked to use this and can't/won't due to the poor
design (and adamant refusal of the designer to make it more useful).

> As is usually the case with people who behave like this, you sound
> like you have some really great points, but they're lost behind a lot
> of what seems like... outrage?

I wouldn't use that word. I don't have enough personal stake to be
outraged. "Perplexed" would be more accurate.

QGamePad is a well intentioned addition to Qt that covers a valuable
hole in functionality... that is (intentionally!) hobbled by an overly
constrained API.

> People will be much more likely to take what you have to say into
> consideration and engage in discussion with you in the future if you
> tone it down and treat them like you'd like to be treated. That is,
> don't talk to people like they're idiots.

If I'm writing a API that has serious issues, I want someone to tell me.
If you pay attention to the order of posts, you'll note the conversation
went like this:

Me: Please¹ don't limit your API like this.
Nichols: I reject everything you are saying.
Me: I think you are making a mistake.

(¹ The word "please" appeared three times in the original message.)

Your original assertion is therefore flawed; at the point I expressed
myself in a way you found objectionable, Nichols was already declining
entirely to consider anything I was saying.

Also, the unfortunate reality is that Free Software contributors (and
engineers in general) tend to be jerks.  We don't *have time* to coddle
everyone we talk to.


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