[Development] Dropping VS 2012 in Qt 5.7
Knoll Lars
Lars.Knoll at theqtcompany.com
Mon Feb 29 10:19:23 CET 2016
I don't have big objections to that neither, given that MS isn't going forward with WEC2013.
At the same time I wonder if it gives us a lot, as 5.7 is already in feature freeze. The main advantage would be on the CI side where we could drop the compiler.
On 25/02/16 17:20, "Development on behalf of Thiago Macieira" <development-bounces+lars.knoll=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org on behalf of thiago.macieira at intel.com> wrote:
>Just starting a new thread to get the attention of those that may have missed
>it in the other platform.
>The proposal is to drop VS 2012 support in Qt 5.7 already, instead of
>supporting it in 5.7 only and dropping in 5.8.
>The rationale is that we need VS2012 for WEC 2013 support, but there's no
>point in supporting that operating system in Qt 5.7. It suffices that it is
>supported in Qt 5.6, which is the long-term release. In other words, needing
>WEC 2013 customers are better served by staying in Qt 5.6 than upgrading to
>Opinions? Objections?
>I'd like to see this answered BEFORE we release 5.6 so we can add this
>interesting tidbit to the changelog. The 5.5.0 changelog said:
> - Qt 5.7 will begin requiring certain C++11 features in order to
> compile. The minimum compiler versions for that release will be:
> * Clang 3.2 (included in XCode 5.0)
> * GCC 4.7
> * Intel C++ Composer XE 2013 SP1 (compiler version 14.0)
> * Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (compiler version 17.0)
>Since that went out, we've already risen our minimum Clang required version to
>> > > In summary Qt does not gain anything from pushing WEC2013 to 5.8:
>> > >
>> > > - Potential Qt Customers are not stranded due to 5.6
>> > > - WEC2013 in 5.8 doesn't really enable more projects
>> > > - MS says it is dead and licenses are hard to come by
>> > > - the currently visible project pipeline is rather dry on this
>> > > platform
>> > >
>> > > *But* our C++11 offering is yet longer chained.
>> >
>> > So why are we bothering with VS2012 for Qt 5.7 then? Why wait until 5.8?
>> >
>> > Let's drop it now.
>> That is fine for me as well. As Alex wrote, most important is that Qt 5.6
>> LTS supports both WEC7 and WEC13 and that latest for Qt 5.8 we no longer
>> have these to slow down adoption of C++11 and other planned changes.
>Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
> Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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