[Development] Question about QCoreApplicationData::*_libpaths
Randall O'Reilly
randy.oreilly at Colorado.EDU
Wed Jan 20 05:29:47 CET 2016
I’m confused about how it would even be possible to contemplate abandoning the implicit sharing paradigm given how deeply embedded it is within *all* of Qt, going well beyond the container classes: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/implicit-sharing.html
Seems like Qt has adopted a core design principle here (which has proven it’s value and is simple enough to understand) and it is simply not up for discussion changing such a thing? A Qt using a completely different design principle for the containers vs. everything else would be thoroughly confusing to say the least.
- Randy
> On Jan 19, 2016, at 8:11 AM, Marc Mutz <marc.mutz at kdab.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 January 2016 15:00:33 Marc Mutz wrote:
>> Now:
>> 1. Tell people to use auto when receiving Qt containers returned from a
>> function.
>> 2. Tell people to stick to the std-compatible API subset.
>> 3. Deprecate Q_FOREACH and recommend range-for (+ qAsConst(), where
>> needed).
> 4. Port as many internal containers (those that are not exposed in API) to std
> ones.
>> In Qt 6:
>> 1. Implement the containers on top of std ones, dropping CoW, providing
>> simple, fast (when moving), conversion between std and Qt containers.
>> 2. Deprecate the std-incompatible API subset
>> 3. Remove Q_FOREACH
>> 4. Deprecate qAsConst()
> 5. Use Qt containers only in the interface, not the implementation.
>> In Qt 7:
>> 1. Drop all Qt container API use from the library, use only std ones.
>> 2. Keep the Qt ones around as deprecated, in a separate compat library.
>> 3. Drop qAsConst()
>> In Qt 8:
>> Remove the Qt ones.
>> That easily spans 10-15 years, but at least we'd have an exit strategy.
>> If, otoh, by Qt 6, we'd still continue doing nothing, as before, we'll
>> lose another four years.
> --
> Marc Mutz <marc.mutz at kdab.com> | Senior Software Engineer
> KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH & Co.KG, a KDAB Group Company
> Tel: +49-30-521325470
> KDAB - The Qt Experts
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