[Development] Programs crashing left and right in the CI

Friedemann Kleint Friedemann.Kleint at qt.io
Wed Jul 27 08:28:08 CEST 2016


to summarize for Windows:

- Crashes have been observed over time in various tests, mostly in 
QtCore (QDir,QFile, QProcess see fex 

- It only affects 64bit (!) (correct me if you have observed otherwise)

- It never has been observed for MinGW (most likely since we don't have 
64bit MinGW builds?)

 >It's also possible that the Windows code is simply recovering, and that
 >QTest::toString is actually causing the crash. In other words, it's 
 >the code that deals with crashes in QtTest is causing the crash.

I think the QTest::toString appearing is an artifact of the code that 
walks the stack.

We know that it seems to depends on some obscure CI parameters (load?), 
so far, we have not been able to see anything useful in the stack traces.


Friedemann Kleint, The Qt Company GmbH

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