[Development] gerrit : pointers to use it cleverly/efficiently?

Rolland Dudemaine rolland at ghs.com
Wed Mar 30 09:41:12 CEST 2016

On 29/03/2016 23:52, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a few things I'd like to put up for code review, which I've been putting off because I can only think of doing them either one by one (carrying each to completion before moving on to the next) or by using parallel working copies. Neither is what I'd call efficient, and I'm sure there must be a more clever way to achieve the same thing, possible involving git branches for instance.
> Can someone point me in the right direction, maybe to a tutorial of sorts that outlines how to do several code reviews from a single working copy?

I've been doing something slightly different, of the kind:

git checkout 5.7
git add ...
git commit
git add ...
git commit

git checkout -b temp origin/5.7
git cherry-pick first-commit-sha second-commit-sha (or just one of those)
git push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/5.7
git checkout 5.7
git branch -D temp

But git-gpush as Thiago mentioned may be still far better...


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