[Development] QVariant performance

Mark Gaiser markg85 at gmail.com
Mon May 16 12:32:41 CEST 2016


Just a fyi since the article might be of interest to some on this list.
I just stumbled upon this github project [1].
The article and rationale for that project can be found here [2].

It claims to be a stack based "variant" implementation made for performance
and as little overhead as possible. Perhaps the code has some nice tricks
that could be used to make QVariant faster? QVariant in those benchmarks,
as seen in [1], seems to be the slowest when compared to std::any,
boost::any and his own variant.

[1] https://github.com/david-grs/static_any
[2] http://david-grs.github.io/low_latency_stack_based_boost_any/
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