[Development] Qt Charts poor dynamic/resolution with OpenGL

Uwe Rathmann Uwe.Rathmann at tigertal.de
Tue Nov 8 16:06:58 CET 2016

On Tue, 08 Nov 2016 13:30:45 +0100, Jeandet Alexis wrote:

> Our goal is to improve QtCharts to be able to use it in our scientific
> softwares. So we need to improve the current dynamic with OpenGL and/or
> improve performances of non OpenGL plots.

Have you ever considered to use a 3rd party library like Qwt or 
QCustomPlot. Both packages are available since years and focus on 
scientific plots.

Being the maintainer of the Qwt package I'm some sort of a biased, but my 
impression is, that the Qt Chart package has never reached a state being 
even close to other solutions. And as I never saw anyone responding to 
related questions on the mailing lists it also does not look like being a 
very actively maintained module.


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