[Development] [HiDPI] Rethinking the scaling algorithm

Niccolò Belli darkbasic at linuxsystems.it
Wed Nov 9 19:44:35 CET 2016

> On martedì 8 novembre 2016 23:34:48 CET, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
>> We have a two factor scaling system. We also scale by DPI. 
>> 144/2 == 72 for instance, which happens to be the standard on 
>> Macs. Therefore 144DPI become a normal 2x scaling of standard 
>> 72 Mac DPI. 
>> And having 2x with smaller text, is a lot better than 1x with 
>> large text on a 27" 4K desktop screen.

Unfortunately 4K 27" monitors are almost impossibile to scale well without 
floating point scaling. The right resolution for a 27" monitor would be 5K, 
but they are still too expensive and the current displayport/tuhnderbolt 
ports don't have enough bandwidth to drive two of them.

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