[Development] Managing branches of Qt's git modules

Robert Löhning robert.loehning at qt.io
Wed Oct 5 10:59:40 CEST 2016

Am 30.09.2016 um 13:05 schrieb Sean Harmer:
> On 30/09/2016 11:57, Marc Mutz wrote:
>> On Friday 30 September 2016 12:39:20 Sean Harmer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> just a query as to how people do bulk checkouts of different branches
>>> when working with the Qt git modules. It would be nice to be able to use
>>> git submodule foreach ... but this is a problem because not all modules
>>> use the same branching scheme.
>>> So, what do people do to checkout all interesting modules to 5.7, 5.8,
>>> dev etc on Unix like systems and on Windows?
>>> On *nix systems I've been getting away with a simple bash for loop. But
>>> on windows I find this painful but maybe that's just my unfamiliarity
>>> with windows batch scripts.
>> to speed up fetching:
>>   git submdule foreach "git fetch --all &"
>> for everything else there's the repo tool, though I have not gotten
>> around
>> to checking it out, since most of my work is in qtbase.
>>   git checkout <branch>
>>   git submodule update --rebase
> Thanks! Somehow I'd missed knowing about the --rebase option.


wouldn't that rebase the branches the submodules have currently checked
out onto the top of <branch>?

Best Regards,

>> doesn't do what you want?
> Looks like it should.
> Thanks,
> Sean

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