[Development] Focusing bug fixes to 5.9 branch and patch releases during H1/17

Stottlemyer, Brett (B.S.) bstottle at ford.com
Tue Apr 11 16:58:55 CEST 2017

> On 4/11/17, 9:49 AM, "Development on behalf of Tuukka Turunen" <tuukka.turunen at qt.io> wrote:
> Now that there are no patch releases planned, the benefit from pushing to 5.8 then merging to 5.9 does not exist. 

I feel there should always be a stable HEAD that you can push a fix to and expect to be able retrieve and do a rebuild with that fix.  Is that unreasonable?

Right now, the only branch that meets that criteria is 5.8, so I disagree there is no benefit to it.

Whether it is worth the effort is a different question.  I'm simply trying to make the point that the value doesn't go to zero because there isn't another planned release from that branch.


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