[Development] Feature Freeze Exception: QStringView
Thiago Macieira
thiago.macieira at intel.com
Fri Feb 3 17:45:31 CET 2017
On sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2017 12:59:19 PST Marc Mutz wrote:
> QStringLiteral is not what most people use. It's too verbose. They use
> "&OK", cf. our tests and, to a lesser extend, because we encourage tr()
> there, examples and docs.
> u"&OK", however, has almost no readbility overhead compared to "&OK", or
> even a hypothetical "&OK"_qs, which would probably have to be written
> u"&OK"_qs, anyway?
u"&OK"_q (no need for s) would be just a short way to write QStringLiteral and
would return the below code. The only reason that we haven't implemented it
yet is because the C++ committee dropped the most interesting feature of UDLs
prior to C++11, recognised that before C++14 but hasn't brought it back yet.
There was a discussion on compile-time strings being equivalent and I remember
being swayed by the arguments, but I don't remember the technique now.
> > _Z26callSetLabelQStringLiteralv:
> > pushq %rbx
> > subq $32, %rsp
> > movq _ZN10QArrayData18shared_static_dataE at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
> > movq %rsp, %rdi
> > movl $3, 16(%rsp)
> > movq %rax, (%rsp)
> > leaq .LC0(%rip), %rax
> > movq %rax, 8(%rsp)
> > call _Z19setLabelQStringCRefRK7QString at PLT
> > movq (%rsp), %rax
> > testl $512, (%rax)
> > je .L12 # always fails
> But jumps to code that is emitted anyway, bloating the executable, reducing
> effective icache-size-
True. As long as QString can own data, it needs to know whether the data it
has is yours or not. I've tried to make the shared_static_data static be
constexpr, but the problem is the called function:
const is not const
That is, the called function may const_cast the object passed by reference and
modify the d pointer. So long as C++ allows this and we don't have a way to
inform the compiler that a parameter (including the this parameter) is
*really* const, this useless code emission will continue to happen.
> > [followed by exception handling code irrelevant for us]
> I disagree. The exception code is not irrelevant for our users (and not for
> us, either, e.g. in QtCore).
It's irrelevant when the function called is one of ours, in a library of ours
that got compiled with -fno-exceptions. It'll never throw. Even the few
libraries we compile with exceptions will never throw. *Especially* the
functions that would not allocate memory anyway, just increase a refcount.
And QStringView overloads are likely to be exclusively found in Qt API, for
the first three years of its existence, to an approximation of 95%.
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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