[Development] Feature Freeze Exception: QStringView

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Tue Feb 7 18:06:38 CET 2017

07.02.2017, 20:03, "Vincas Dargis" <vindrg at gmail.com>:
> 2017.02.06 18:38, Thiago Macieira rašė:
>>  Yes, but it's very hard to measure. I do agree in shrinking our code however
>>  much we can (which is why I'd like to suppress the unwind tables completely).
> Sorry for off-topic, but I wonder, have anyone measured how Qt modules
> sizes differs with and without `noexcept` being in effect?

It's not about size only, having exceptions enabled makes some compiler optimizations impossible, because new paths of execution flow become possible.

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