[Development] Nominate Mike Krus as approver

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Wed Feb 8 11:52:10 CET 2017

On terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017 12:03:47 PST Edward Welbourne wrote:
>> Indeed, the "Becoming a Maintainer" section did in fact only permit
>> us to nominate existing Approvers as Maintainers; which we have
>> violated repeatedly.

Thiago Macieira (7 February 2017 16:54)
> I read that as nominating for maintainership and approvership at the
> same time.

... which may well have been the intent, but the thing about Rules,
Policies, Laws and Constitutions is that they have to actually *say*
what they mean, else the wilful interpretations (usually with ulterior
motives) get to make a mess (as The Real World never tires of
demonstrating, usually in courts).  Hence my fix to the page and the
check that none here disagree (I guess any who *do* have about a
fortnight to raise their objections, according to our Lazy Consensus


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