[Development] Qt 5.9's new garbage collector documentation? + root_ptr

Phil Bouchard philippeb8 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 00:57:50 CEST 2017

On 07/08/2017 12:42 AM, Phil Bouchard wrote:
> On 07/07/2017 10:14 PM, Phil Bouchard wrote:
>> But if I can do a deep copy then I can certainly "re-set" the variable
>> (change the set the variable is owned by).  If I can do that then we
>> won't need any deep copy.
>> I just need to think a little bit... thanks for your patience.
> Yes of course: I just need to add some metadata so the re-setting can
> propagate in a specific variable.
> I'll work on an engine to demonstrate its validity.

Alright I already got something.  If we mimic the Javascript function 
scope in C++ then we'll have the following:

The application outputs:
Scope 0: BEGIN
Scope 1: BEGIN
A::A(const boost::node_proxy&)
A::A(const boost::node_proxy&)
Scope 1: END
Scope 0: END

Which is exactly what we want.  Note that I didn't stress tested it yet. 
  If you don't mind I will start a new thread with the Boost mailing 
list to see their opinion.


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