[Development] Qt 5.9's new garbage collector documentation? + root_ptr

Phil Bouchard philippeb8 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 13:44:08 CEST 2017

On 07/13/2017 04:09 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> 13.07.2017, 02:39, "Phil Bouchard" <philippeb8 at gmail.com>:
>> On 07/12/2017 07:25 PM, Phil Bouchard wrote:
>>>  On 07/12/2017 04:56 PM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>>>>  Now add time of compilation to the sum
>>>  So I just did benchmark the following C++ file featuring a loop within
>>>  the code (the loop was at the bash shell level previously):
>>>  https://github.com/philippeb8/root_ptr/blob/qt/example/javascript_example1.cpp
>>>  With the exact equivalent in Javascript:
>>>  https://github.com/philippeb8/root_ptr/blob/qt/example/javascript_example1.js
>>>  And the executable generated by g++ is still 1.7 times faster than by
>>>  using Node.JS. For small Javascript perhaps the net speed are the same
>>>  but the more complex the code is then the generated binary by g++ simply
>>>  is faster when compared to the Node.JS interpreter.
>> The browser should "cache" these temporary executables anyway.
> A you were following development of WebKit and JavaScriptCore, you should be
> aware of story of using LLVM (i.e. "real" compiler) as a final JIT tier, and how did it
> end up.
> https://webkit.org/blog/5852/introducing-the-b3-jit-compiler/

Thanks I'll read that today but also I forgot to mention "if" we were 
using a converter followed by a compiler then we could mix the two 
languages which in turns could take advantage of high performance when 
necessary (C++) and higher level algorithms (Javascript).


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